
Why can i not instal the mods on aslains modpack for world of warships
Why can i not instal the mods on aslains modpack for world of warships

Maybe you are not installing to the right folder, you didn't attach any logs. If you're new, read this guide and then this one. 141 Server: EU Administrator Posted SeptemIt has to work, so the problem is most likely on your side only.Apply for a flair here! TEMPORARILY OUT OF ORDER.Apply for any of the EU, NA or SEA clans.Yeah it says when I try to download into my regular wot folder 'only 19.1' etc. The version you mention is the current test version thats why I asked. you could have installed test version into any folder. Join the in-game channel RDDT (EU) to chat with fellow Redditors. In the launcher it would say but modpack u just point to a folder.Pick the flair that matches your server group or clan and enter your WoT-username.NA, EU and SEA Servers - Use Invite Code: REDDITFOREVER for 7 days of premium time, 500 gold, and a Churchill III.If you see such a post, please report it. New reddit accounts with no or minimal sub activity reposting an old top post will be banned as a karma bot. > No Filter 20 link/comment karma and >20 days old.WoT-Life (server stats, player/clan stats).GOSU Tactics (tourney info, player/clan stats).WoTInspector (Armor models, replay review, heatmaps, etc.).Tomato.gg (detailed player, tank, and server stats).Tanks.gg (tank stats, armor models, comparisons, player stats, etc.).RDDTX (OPEN, Platooning/Strongholds(6)).

why can i not instal the mods on aslains modpack for world of warships

RDDT6 (OPEN, Platooning/Strongholds(6 & 8)).What i was trying now was istalling the mods in a dif map and just copying the res_mods folder in the (306965) map but that doesnt work either do i maybe have to install the mods WITH the installer like this?: steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\306965\res_mods\0.6.15. So after that i tried copying the res_mods in the same map wich is the (306965) map than when it was loading i got a error. Steamapps\common\World of Warships\bin\306965 i got no error but neither the mods I had mods before, but this time when i install the mods i get a error i installed it in:

Why can i not instal the mods on aslains modpack for world of warships